Lunes, Abril 18, 2016

Your Teeth Should Be White Not Yellow!

yellow teeth to white
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Tell me, what is the color of teeth? White right? Then why most of us have yellowish teeth? Maybe because of the food we eat? Improper hygiene and oral care? There are many various reasons that may lead in teeth discoloration. In fact there are 6 main causes of yellowish teeth. Let’s have a quick look at them.

Red Wine – very notorious for staining teeth for it has acids that ate away tooth enamel, which may lead in creation of rough spots that make teeth more vulnerable to staining. Red wine also contains chromogens and tannins which help the color to stick to your teeth.

Tea and Coffee – like the above, these are rich in acidity and stain-promoting tannins. It has pigments that will become embedded in the microscopic pits and ridges of your tooth enamel, causing permanent yellow stains on your teeth.

Soft Drinks – these can erode tooth enamel, setting the stage for staining. Acidity in some carbonated drinks is so intense that it actually compare to the acidity in battery acid! EEEWW!

Cigarettes – This have ammonia, hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide as well as other poisonous chemicals like nicotine and tar, that when the cigarette is lit, these substances start burning and changes their chemical properties. When inhaled, the smoke that passes through the mouth may leave sticky residue on the teeth and instant staining.

Sweets – hard candies, chewing gum and other sweets often contain teeth-staining coloring agents that when you tongue turns into a funny color, there’s a good chance that your teeth will be affected too! So watch out.

Antibiotics – tooth staining may also be caused by antibiotics, like tetracycline. They can discolor the tooth enamel so if you are into heavy antibiotics in recent years, there’s a good chance that it has contributed to any discoloration.

Now that we knew some of the serious causes of yellowish teeth, the next question that needs to be answer is that how can we bring back the original white? Here are some thought and advices from experts.

Professional Solution

If you want fast and safe solution, you will not go wrong consulting professionals. Though this is always the best solution! See your dentist for an in-office teeth whitening treatment like what Estetico Manila is offering.

Your teeth whitening dentist will use a whitener with a strong concentration of hydrogen peroxide or carbide peroxide. Sometimes they will use it along with a light to speed the whitening process up. Your teeth will be whiter at the end of the treatment.

DIY Home Whitening

Dentists can also provide an in-home whitening kit with a custom mouthpiece and a whitening gel that has lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide than the in-office treatment. You tend to wear the mouth piece filled with the whitening gel each day for couple of weeks then you can achieve that original pearly white color.

Over-the-Counter Whitening Products

Today, there is a growing array of whitening products that are available in any drugs store and supermarkets nationwide, from whitening strips to mouthwashes to toothpastes and even whitening pens. These products contain lower concentration of whitening agent and the toothpastes often contain an abrasive to help remove surface stains from enamel of the teeth. These may not work as quickly as professional treatments but they are convenient ways to work toward the goal of bringing back that original white color of your teeth!

What are you thinking? Can you share it with us? Do you have your own thought about bringing back that white teeth? C’mon men, share it! We glad to hear from you!

Huwebes, Setyembre 10, 2015

7 Essential Fruits and Vegetables for Teeth Whitening

teeth whitening fruits vegetables
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The most effective way to brighten your teeth is not the modern technologies, nor your dentist skills but your food intake. Teeth whitening with dentist’s help are really good and highly recommended. But the question is what to do after the dental process? Hmmmmm… Did I make you think? I find it cool if you pause for a while before reading these lines.

Food affects our teeth color (based on studies conducted) for example, coffee can leave stains on our teeth (you can read more about food that can cause teeth stains here) and fruits like strawberries can make our teeth whiter.

Today, I’ll share you 7 essential fruits and vegetables that will surely maintain your teeth color (if you were undergone a whitening process) or will make your teeth brighter in a much effortless way. Here are they.

1. Strawberries

They are really powerful teeth whiteners! They contain astringent and vitamin C. This astringent aids in the removal of surface stains. Vitamin C helps to whiten teeth clearing plaques away. The astringent that remove surface discoloration is called malic acid.

2. Bananas

This fruit is jam packed with minerals and vitamins that not just your teeth will benefit from it. The inner part of the peel helps is whitening teeth. Dental professionals said that banana peel is healthy and safe for teeth, because they are wonderful source of vitamins and minerals.

To whiten your teeth, take a piece of the banana peel and rub it gently around your teeth for a couple of minutes. The potassium, magnesium and manganese are the responsible minerals that whiten your teeth.

3. Oranges

Oranges contains calcium which helps in building stronger teeth. You don’t want to have just whiter teeth but also a strong one. These fruit are your perfect choice for a healthy teeth and gums. You need to peel the orange and rub the white inside portion of the orange’ peel called albedo. After rubbing, Rinse your mouth with water or you may want to brush your teeth. 

4. Pineapples

Pineapples really help in teeth whitening. Vitamin C which can be found in pineapples helps in plaque and gum disease prevention. Taking in pineapples helps in strengthening your gums.

Study shows that bromelain, enzymes found in pineapples acts as a natural stain remover. It also helps in breaking up plaques.

5. Carrots

Carrots are good source of vitamin A which is really needed for healthy tooth enamel. Eating raw carrots stimulates saliva, which is your natural mouth cleanser. It also acts as natural abrasives that help in eliminating plaque from teeth and gums.

6. Cucumber

Cucumber juice is so beneficial regarding tooth and gum problems. It is also a good source of dietary fiber which massage in teeth and gums.

7. Celery

Celery is a knight in your mouth that fights against bacteria inside your mouth. It works as natural teeth cleaner. Eating this veggie will pick up plaque that has lodged itself into your teeth. Celeries also help in cleaning out the grooves between teeth to keep them free of bacteria and germs.

Happy eating! Let’s go for whiter teeth!